Asset Management Solutions
Full support for decision making
About LOTE45
LOTE45 began its activities in April 2006 with a focus on funds management and financial consulting. Its founding partners, Ronei Frigerio and João Grossi, came from Banco Garantia, which had been acquired by the Credit Suisse Group (45 was the number of the Garantia brokerage firm at the then Bovespa / BM&F, and the name “LOTE45” is a tribute to Garantia's meritocracy-based culture).
In 2008, the company began to provide risk solutions within a philosophy of excellence, for the main independent fund managers in the country. To achieve this, it built a specialized team, which was essential since the market was undergoing evolution and strong internationalization (today there are more than 1000 asset classes, in Brazil and abroad, including highly complex exotic derivatives). New types of clients started contracting LOTE45, such as family and multi-family offices, insurance companies, reinsurers, pension funds and prime brokers. New customers were also based in UK and the USA.
The initial module that controlled positions and risk was expanded and complemented by others dedicated to Compliance, Reports, Investors Control and Deal Captures. A Master module controls access and risk settings, among other features, in addition to a complete audit trail.
With the expansion, the volumes managed by the solutions increased, having surpassed the BRL 3 trillion mark. LOTE45's services endured crisis situations such as the 2020 pandemic, always maintaining its standards and serving its clients. The team also grew and became more sophisticated over time.
In January 2022, a shareholding stake at LOTE45 was acquired by Sinqia Group (listed on the local stock exchange B3). Sinqia is an open technology company focused on financial markets, with more than 2000 employees and a market capitalization of around R$1.79 billion . The transaction aimed to provide LOTE45 with the necessary support for the continued expansion of its project, with a commitment to maintaining the leadership and autonomy of the original partners. Customers will benefit from facilitated integration between Sinqia and LOTE45 systems, in addition to other synergies. In November 2023, Sinqia's control was acquired by the Evertec Group of Puerto Rico, who vowed to keep supporting its expansion strategy.
LOTE45 remains committed to excellence in providing its services and customer service, always listening to and seeking to meet their demands and needs.
- Focus on risk management
- Focus on customer satisfaction
- Focus on company results
- Focus on teamwork
- Attract, retain and reward talent
- Continuous investment in research and technology
- Ethics and fairness emphasized in culture and work environment
- Respect for the customer
- Precise and rigorous information
- Remuneration and corporate participation based on meritocracy
- Commitment to social responsibility
Solutions Overview
Learn more about LOTE45's solutions in a short video and discover why they will be key to your performance and success
Discover the Modules
see below
Modules and Features
1APM Master
System configuration -
access priviledges, risk parameters, audit trail
Main system module with portfolio positions, risk metrics, and performance information
Compliance module with prudential, regulatory and managerial rules configured by the user
Liquidity risk control of portfolio strategies and positions
5Trades Inserter
Automatic (via robots) and manual insertion of trades made into the portfolio
Investors' system - position and performance controls for investors, with tax and performance fee calculation
Reports Module, fully customizable by the user
Wealth Management Module - Controls portfolio allocations and performance
Meet the team at the helm of LOTE45
Ronei Frigerio
Founding partner
Ronei worked from 1990 to 2006 at Banco Garantia, later incorporated into Credit Suisse. Ronei began his career at Banco Garantia as a courier in January 1990. In 1991 he was promoted to trader, representing Garantia on the BOVESPA and BM&F trading floor. Afterwards, he became responsible for the relationship with the Brazilian Central Bank, supervising arbitration between gold and the floating currency and responsible for risk control. In 1994 Ronei was promoted to senior trader of interest rate, exchange rate and derivatives strategies. From 1998 to 2003, became head trader at the proprietary foreign exchange desk and was very active in risk management, swap operations and asset pricing for the clients desk, coordinating a team of four people.
After the sale of Banco Garantia, Ronei became a member of the Executive Management Committee at Credit Suisse, being elected Statutory Director. In 2003, he was promoted to co-head of the trading desk, leading a team of 14 people. Ronei represented Credit Suisse in the BM&F exchange advisory chamber and also at ANDIMA (National Association of Financial Market Institutions). In March 2006 Ronei founded LOTE45, being responsible for the commercial area and people management.João Grossi
Founding Partner, Financial Modeling and Risk Management
Grossi holds a Master's degree in Financial Mathematical Modeling from FEA/IME University of São Paulo (USP) and graduated in Electronic Engineering at Technological Institute of Aeronautics (ITA). Early in his career in 1998, he interned at AMIX, helping manage network security at Brahma (AMBEV).
At Credit Suisse in 1999, he started as a derivatives systems analyst and member of the Derivatives and Risk IT Team, soon becoming the analyst responsible for the local interest rate system in BRL, local interest rate system in USD, international debt securities pricing system, in addition to sharing responsibility for the Market Risk system.
In 2003, he became head of the Derivatives and Risk IT area, responsible for market risk and derivatives pricing systems. Led his team in the development and management of the risk management system that allows traders to know their risks and results in real time (Market Risk system), with reports for Back Office, margin forecast at B3 and performance attribution by risk factors for the bank's position. The system is the main tool for local risk analysis, feeding Credit Suisse's global risk database.Marcos Sampaio
Partner, Development and
User support
Marcos started his career as a software developer doing projects to analyze user traffic for a Marketing company. These projects were for ITA students' junior company, ITA Júnior.
In 2008, he completed an internship at Google Belo Horizonte where he developed a search engine for more than 10 million documents and, in parallel, took master's classes in Computer Architecture and Algorithm Analysis.
He started at Locaweb in 2008 in the Linux Systems Development and Analysis area as an intern, being hired at the beginning of 2009. In 2010 he joined the Hosting team, where he was responsible for the development and maintenance of domain registration systems, Multiuser FTP and others.Delio Silva
Partner, User Support
Delio worked at Credit Suisse bank (formerly Banco Garantia) from 1986 to 2012.
Responsible for control (quota calculation, settlement, cash, custody and subscriptions and redemptions) of all funds: multimarkets, credit, variable income and local and external alternatives – both open-ended and exclusive funds.
Responsible for total managed assets that ranged between USD 700mm and USD 6bn.
Responsible for contact with the custody, controlling and administration departments of banks where clients of exclusive funds, managed by CSAM, maintain their respective operational structures.
Responsible for developing new operational controls, systems and relationships with the IT area.
Support for Portfolio Managers.
Participation in different committees and hiring processes in the area.José Alberto Baranowski
Partner, Risk Management
José Alberto graduated in Mechanical Production Engineering at PUC-RJ, in 1982, where he also completed a postgraduate degree in Finance and Investment Analysis. He was a portfolio administrator at CIGNA Seguradora from 1985 to 1994, when he joined Banco Brascan, a Bookfield Group company where he was elected Statutory Risk Director. At Banco Brascan, José Alberto was one of the pioneers in Brazil in implementing the Risk Management area, being the first Brazilian to obtain the titles of FRM – Financial Risk Manager, by GARP, and PRM – Professional Risk Manager, by PRMIA. Participated in 14 annual editions of Risk Mind, an international Risk conference organized by ICBI, in Switzerland and the Netherlands. He has been a partner at LOTE45 since March 2013, responsible for Risk, Compliance and Modeling.
Ricardo Fidalgo
Partner, Databases and IT
Graduated in Computer Engineering at Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC RJ) with SQL Server MCP and ITIL Foundation certifications.
He worked at Credit-Suisse bank (former Garantia) from 1993 to 2010 where he worked as a systems analyst, dba and IT manager.
Implemented Business Intelligence tools and integrated strategic systems for banking businesses.
Has experience in implementing best practice procedures in change control and systems development using SCRUM and SDLC (System Development Life Cycle) methodologies.
He has worked with performance analysis and systems integration aimed at managing banking processes since 1993.Marcio Gionco
Risk management
Graduated in Administration at Fundação Getúlio Vargas, with an MBA from BSP and extension from the University of Toronto, he was a portfolio manager at CVM and statutory director of American Express Bank Ltd. He worked at Deutsche Bank, Société Générale, Banco Garantia and BankBoston in the treasury areas , structured products, corporate client service and mergers and acquisitions. Joined LOTE45 in June/2020.
Kauê Felipe Neves
User support
Graduated in Aerospace Engineering at Aeronautical Technological Institute (ITA) in 2018. Started at LOTE45 in January/2019.
Sidney Ferreira
Financial administration
Graduated in Economics at Faculdade Oswaldo Cruz.
He worked at Banco Português do Brasil, Itaú and Bandeirantes, responsible for customer service and administrative management.
He started at LOTE45 in 2006 working in the administrative and financial area.Nelio Gaspar
Systems Implementation
He graduated in Systems and Computer Engineering at UERJ, and received a master's degree from IBMEC in management control. He is certified by PMI as a PMP and RMP (Risk Management Professional), and by the Scrum Institute as a Product Owner. He worked on improving processes, developing and implementing financial systems, and managing consulting teams. He also works as a postgraduate professor in project management, teaching financial and cost management subjects. Joined LOTE45 in December 2020
Arthur Reig
User support
Graduated in Mathematics at the Institute of Mathematics and Statistics of the University of São Paulo, IME-USP, in 2009. He worked in the area of mathematics education until 2011, teaching at schools such as Objective and Escola Isaac Newton.
He joined LOTE45 at the end of 2011.Marcelo Cândido Leles
Systems development
and User supportGraduated in Aeronautical Engineering from the Technological Institute of Aeronautics. In 2018 he completed an internship as a software developer in MATLAB at ITA. Developed software for 3D aircraft modeling. In 2018 he interned at the CCO of Azul Linhas Aéreas, analyzing data and statistics from its entire airline network. Developed a Python tool to analyze the daily lives of flight controllers.
Started at LOTE45 in February/2019.
Jose Maria Bedran
User support
Graduated in Economics from UFSC in 2001. Specialization Course in Applied Economics at IEERJ in 2002. Advanced Mathematics and Accounting Course in 2011.
He worked in the Credit and Financing area at BV Financeira from 2008 to 2011. He has been at LOTE45 since September 2011.Victor Alexandre Tomaz
IT support
Graduated in Computer Engineering at UNIP in 2010, also worked in the IT infrastructure area at the companies Clone, Folha and Pepsico in Brazil. Started at LOTE45 in February/2017.
Tadeu Souza
Systems Development and User support
Graduated in Systems Analysis and Development at Universidade Nove de Julho in 2017.
Started at LOTE45 in February/2018.
Mariana C. Vilas Bôas
User support
Graduated in Production Engineering at PUC-RJ. Started at LOTE45 in May/2020.
Graziela Rodrigues Cortez
User support
Graduated in Civil Engineering at Mauá Institute of Technology.
Started at LOTE45 in December/2020.Antonio A. de Souza
User support
Graduated in Administration at Insper, studying postgraduate studies (Advanced Program in Finance) at the same institution, joined LOTE45 in November/2020
Raiza Adler Sidi
Risk analysis
Graduated in Economic Sciences at Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF) in 2012 and postgraduate in Project Management from FGV. He worked in the consultancy area at FGV Projetos between 2010 and 2021. He started at LOTE45 in May/2021.
Kevin de Conde
Systems development
Kevin holds a PhD in Science from the Aeronautics Technological Institute (ITA) (2014-2019). He was a visiting researcher at The University of Texas at Austin, USA (2017), a collaborating researcher at Post-Doctoral level at ITA, and co-offered the Applied Thermodynamics course for Postgraduate Studies in Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering at ITA (2021) . Works as a Risk Analyst and Developer at LOTE45
Rafael Dias Favero
User support
Graduated in Mechanical Engineering at Centro Universitário FEI in 2020 and with Green Belt certification from MF Trainings. He developed a scientific initiation project in the area of eigenvalues and eigenvectors, which was awarded at the IX SICFEI in 2019. In 2020 he worked as an intern in the Product Engineering area at General Motors do Brasil, São Caetano do Sul. He started at LOTE45 in July/ 2021.
Hugo Barreto Quelhas
User support
Graduated in Mechanical Engineering from Centro Universitário FEI in 2020. For two years he was part of the ROBOFEI team in the development, design and optimization of parts. In 2020 he worked as an intern in the Product Engineering area at General Motors do Brasil, São Caetano do Sul. He started at LOTE45 in September/2021.
Ananda Lemos
User support
Graduated in Mechanical Engineering from PUC Rio. Started at LOTE45 in May/2021.
Bianca Fukuhara Yazaki
Civil engineer from Mackenzie, attended programs at Harvard and MIT - Massachusetts Institute of Technology (USA) and worked in fund managers in the real estate area.
Joined LOTE45 in October 2022
Guilherme Braga de Paula
User support
Graduated in Automation and Control Engineering from FEI in 2021. Started at LOTE45 in July/2021.
Laysa Isabelle Amorim Castro
Financial administration
Studying law at Faculdade Estácio de Sá (final year)
Joined LOTE45 in February 2022Training
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Social responsibility is part of our culture, which is why LOTE45's bylaws include a clause allocating 7% of its profits to social projects. In this way, we contribute to building a better society.
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To discuss personal data (LGPD), please contact Marcio Gionco , at the telephone number and email address below.

Rua Joaquim Floriano, 940 3rd floor
Sao Paulo-SP)
tel. (55-11) 3181-7120
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